Saturday, October 22, 2022

more Friday the 13th Anarchist commentary






What the U.S. Government and Big
Business Do Not Want Us To Know


If you regularly surf the Internet and it's Newsgroups, I am sure that you have seen stories posted by a gentleman explaining how there are reflective markers on the back of road signs that will enable United Nations troops to be able to navigate to areas in the times of the alleged take-over of the United States. As silly as this sounds this is a perfect example of how High Technology equipment developed for civilian use could be put to more sinister uses by the Military Complex.

First let us look at the civilian purpose of this reflective material on the backs of roadsigns. According to various States' Department of Transportation (DOT), the reflective material contains a bar coded signature within it so road repair crews can tell if a road sign is missing when they travel down this nation's highways. This feature also allows them to automatically print out reports by bar code date consisting of those signs that need upgraded or changed. This is done by means of a laser reader and computer.

Simple enough, but what about the U.N. troops theory? Could they use these same reflective markings as a means of identifying land marks? The answer to that is "most definitely." However, it is more likely that they would use the cheaper GPS (Global Positioning System) technology, which is now available in hand-held form for about US$100.00. It should also be pointed out that if GPS was not working, the reflective tags would be a perfect back-up system. All they would have to do is access the DOT's database.

Technology That
Offers Trackability

If you do any amount of traveling often times you will see a series of wires imbedded in a road with a box on the side of the road and an antenna. Again, a practical DoT application. In this case, the wires and box are used to determine the number of vehicles traveling on a particular road. But there is something more sinister about this that you should know about. The fact is, those same roadside antenna field vehicle counters could just as easily read the unique factory ID code that is installed in every new car and truck by the manufacturer. This ID code enables them to keep a record of vehicle maintenance etc. Again, the government could be gathering data so they or business knows were everyone is or has already been.

What about your cell phone, credit cards, or debit cards? Again useful, everyday appliances are being used by the government and big business (they're partners) to collect and mind data of all kinds, including personal information. With it they're able to know where you've been or what kinds of things that you buy. Many criminal cases are made on credit card usage information. Plastic cards tell those who are interested how much income you make, what your buying habits are, and when and were you buy things, a particular thing.

One particular bookie thought that using a cell phone would keep law enforcement off him, but what he did not realize is that he compromised his activities and his location because cellular technology enables those with access and the know how to tell where cellular users are every single minute of the day.

What about the internet? You have probably heard about Cookies which are information that people write to a cookie.txt file inside your computer everytime you enter a web site. Again buisness uses it to track sales etc., but the goverment could be using it to investigate and profile you.

In today's world, it is hard to avoid technology that does not transmit information to someone, somewhere. so one must always keep an ever vigilant attitude as to how they use it.


The Daily Commentary
31 March 2001

Re-Educate The Child
Shoot The Parents

The Friday the 13th Anarchist


Pray tell, can you think of anything more harmful to the highly impressionable minds of our children than the daily flaunting of death and murder by gunfire, which is so descriptively and skillfully illustrated on our televisions each and every day?

Allan B. Colombo


It has happened Again and Again.

  • A child gets mad picks up Gun and shoots to kill classmates.
  • No one wants to get to the root cause of the problem.
  • Instead we blame, violent video games, music and TV Shows.
  • And above all we blame the GUN.

As I stated in my previous reports it is not the gun or free access to it. Guns have always been in our society.

Lets take a look at the real problem and that is the parents. Often the Parents are the ones directly and completely at fault for what has happened. Dysfunctional Parents, who do not correct their children who allow them to watch violent shows and play violent video games, who do not care if their children do illegal Drugs and Alcohol. Often times, the parents themselves are doing it right along with them.

Permissive parents who could care less what their children are doing or seeing. The Anarchist knows all about this, he grew up in a blue-collar, working-class community. The Anarchist and his brothers grew up to all be professionals in their respective fields--and they are respected by their communities.

Many of the Anarchist's neighbors' kids grew up to be drunks, punks, druggies, and losers in general who now have their own family of dysfunctional children. And they are the same ones whose parents were not there for them like the Anarchist's parents were. Their Parents bought them everything, but yet they could not and did not provide them with love. My advice is to teach your children to respect themselves and others and to fear God.The question is, can repetitive visual exposure to violence on television and in the movies cause young people to commit acts of violence themselves? According to Leonard Berkowitz, author of Impulse, Aggression and the Gun, the answer to that is "Yes."

Read On...

I use to watch all these punks cry because there parents were not there for scouting trips or functions. These Dysfunctional Parents expected my father and all the others to be their baby sitters. They also were not there on school parent-teacher nights to meet with their childrens' teachers. What a shame.

Case In Point

Two series of experiments that my colleagues and I have performed on impulsive aggression bear directly on these questions. The first series indicates that even so small a matter as the casual sight of a gun can sometimes stimulate aggressive behavior. The second suggests that, contrary to what the so-called catharsis theory predicts, the sight of violence can increase the chance that a viewer will express aggression himself

Impulse, Aggression and the Gun
Leonard Berkowitz
Readings For General Psycholoby
Instructors Office Of Military Psychology and Leadership
Xerox College Publishing, Lexington, Mass.

For More Information:

These same parents are the ones on Friday and Saturday nights who hand their kids some money, drop them off at the local mall and theater, and forget about them. They don't want bothered by their children. Worse yet, you see them dropping their younger children off at the public library on a Saturday morning and not returning till late afternoon. Again, they expect some one else to babysit their children. In this case it's the Librarians.

These are the same parents who say, "no, my Johnny did not throw the baseball at your car." These are the same parents who are not at home when their children get home from school, thus the term "Latch key kids." This seems more like child abuse than anything else. The Anarchist's mother was always at home and his father worked many extra hours so his mother could stay at home. We just did with out and it was expected--for the kids' sake.

Many times I got mad at my mother and father for not letting us do and have things. But, when I became a young man it all become clear. These were sacrifices that my parents went through to see that my brothers and I were provided for. I respect them for it today.

Now, as the Anarchist grows older, he can see how the dysfunctional's he grew up with now treat their parents, now that these older folks need them the most. When one of my Parents or In-Laws is ill or needs help, I am there--or I make sure that someone else is there to help them. The scum I grew up with simply throw their parents into an old folk's home and sell off their home so they can splurge on the money.

Some of my Friends and neighbor's have not heard from their children for months and even years. They're lucky if they get a phone call or card from them. What a shame. The Anarchist tries to have dinner with his parents or in-laws at least a couple times a month.

When bad storms came through my parent's hometown last year, and the power was out for several days, I was the only one in their entire neighborhood who went and rented a generator for their parents so they could have a TV, a couple of lights, and their food kept cold. All the while their neighbors food rotted and they read the news paper by candle light.

So how do we start to correct these little peucks?

  1. First, hold the parents fully responsible for their child's conduct,
  2. Then take this child and re-educate him/her.
  3. If the child does not cooperate, lock them up with their dysfunctional parents and throw away the key.

It needs to be made fully clear to parents that the party is over. They need to take the bull by the horns and educate their children. They need to take care of them properly. Or, they need to loose them and their own freedom for not having done so.

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Direct inquiries regarding it's content to the author. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, send it with the words FOR COMMENTARY in the subject line. Click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

The Friday The 13th Anarchist Who was he ?

 Al use to get letters from a character called himself  "The Friday the 13th Anarchist "

he never knew where they came from or who it was sent them and was told to dispose of the letter once he published the comments on GKO below is some of his commentarys

and just as he came in mystery he left Al never heard from him again after 2002 



29 March 2002

A Fat, Lazy, and Arrogant Crowd?

(No wonder other nations hate us.)


By The Friday the 13th Anarchist

September 11th 2001 was awake up call to America. Unfortunately very few Americans have taken heed. We have become a nation of fat, overweight people. We have not even dug the last victim's body from the World Trade Center and yet so many have returned to their old ways.

Militia To Train Civilians (this will open up a new window in your browser)Americans generally do not want to work hard and the statistics bare this out by the fact that the construction trades are severely hampered, unable to find enough good people to fill available positions. There is a 35% and higher shortage of skilled tradesman with no end in sight!

What is it? These jobs too far beneath everyone's dignity? Every body wants to go to college so they can leave and make $100,000.00 dollars a year doing next to nothing for it. For all the college and technical school trained people we have in this country, positions for high-tech careers still go unfilled. Many of our remaining employers have to go overseas to India and other countries to fill these positions!

Independence vs. Slavery (This will open up a new window in your browser)American students' math and science scores for a developed nation are the lowest they have ever been. No wonder we have so many product liability suits in this country when manufacturers cannot find quality people to turn out good working products. I am also amazed at how many people in this country find themselves too stupid to find a decent job. Even more amazing is the fact that it is these same fat, stupid, and lazy people who cry and complain about how terrible their lives are.

When will we Americans wake up and realize that there are people waiting in line to kill us at the very first opportunity they get? Our gov't. keeps warning that attacks are certain to come, and instead of getting educated and learning what these threats are, and what we can do to protect ourselves, most of us sit and want our gov't. to tell them what, where, how, and when to do it.

Sorry, not the Anarchist. I have, and will always be ready to thwart any terrorist activities in my area. However, if you continue to sit there and do absolutely nothing to protect yourself and your family, then too bad for the fat and lazy American. Remember, you will always reap what you sow. If you want to remain unable to defend your castle, then don't call those of us with gutts and guns to do it for you.

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

13 June 2002

The Ugly Religion?


By the Friday the 13th Anarchist

It is not that I am saying Roman Catholics are practicing an Ugly religion. What I am saying is that those who run the church and its doctrine make Roman Catholicism Ugly.

Many in this country hate Catholics, including the KKK. They do not like a people whose religion causes them to answer to a Pope in Rome. Still, other resent the fact that Roman Catholics feel they are the only religion whose members are the only truly saved ones and who will be taken into heaven in the final days. Many others oppose the Roman Catholic Church on its views against allowing Contraceptives. I say it is an Ugly religion because of many other reasons.

Socialism & Labor, Bishop SpaldingI once was a practicing catholic but no more. I quit being Catholic after researching the Catholic religion and reading of all the horrible atrocities the Roman catholic church has carried out in the name of God, including the Crusades. Also, the abandonment of Orphan children to families who would not take care of them, or the placement of children in institutions where they will likely be abused.

Look at the Magdalene Laundries In Ireland and the orphans who were put on a boat and sent to Australia to work like slaves to be told there parents were dead all lies kidnapped from Ireland and forgotten. And now the cases of priests being allowed to molest children and their being allowed to get away with it. The Roman Catholic Church has paid out millions of dollars in Hush money, over this matter.

Take the case of WWII and Pope John who sat back and collaborated with the Nazi's and allowed the Genocide of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and retarded and crippled individuals. And then there is the case of the Catholic Church shutting down churches and consolidating them when the steel towns went down and Catholics needed their churches the most.

Many beautiful churches have been destroyed and desecrated. My own grandfather’s beautiful church was closed and allowed to be vandalized and burnt to the ground. Other churches have been turned into Brew Pubs and more. All with the Church and their apologists thinking a couple of comforting words will solve every thing .No words will ever change what the clergy has done to this world and nation.

It is time that the Roman Catholic church stop and take a very serious look at itself and do some drastic changing or it will be a non religion in this country. There are many Ex-Catholics, like myself, who are outraged at what the church has allowed to happen. Many of us will never return.

There is no Apology that any one in the Roman Catholic Church can give for the Church’s behavior in the latest molestation scandal. It is totally unconscionable that such behavior be tolerated in a civil society. It is time to see that those Bishops and Cardinals involved are dismissed and replaced, also new laws and doctrines written and adhered to. Then, maybe, will the Roman Catholic religion once again be respected.


The author of the above commentary, as a former Catholic, has taken the position that the Roman Catholic Church was negligent in allowing various acts to take place in its past, including the more recent flap over child abuse cover-ups by various heads within the church. Although I cannot condone what this relatively small group of priests have done, as it pertains to children in their personal care, I can say with certainty that the same sins are sure to be visited upon the clergy of other religions. This author hardly can believe that Catholic clergy alone are guilty of such grievous and sinful actions.

Aphorisms and Reflections, Bishop SpaldingAs to the issue of the Crusades--none of us alive today lived during the time that the Crusades took place. There is just about as much relevance to this complaint as there is the the issue of "reparations," where no black man, woman, or child alive today lived at the time when slavery was common.

Isn't it a fact that so often people mean well, but what they end up doing is merely repeating what they've been told through the Left-leaning media? The issue of Crusades is certainly one of those issues where our less-than-professional news media gurus have made such statements time after time and so many have accepted them as their own.

May I suggest that it is wrong for society to call into remembrance all events of the Catholic church since Christ ascended, putting Peter in charge of the His Church? May I suggest that it is wrong to unload everything at once on a clergy who can be morally guilty of only what they, themselves have done? And then, may I suggest, that it is the job of Jesus Christ to judge them and not others?

Personally, I am careful not to judge others unjustly, although I fail miserably at this task. (Just look at Al's Views if you doubt my word on this.) My dear friend, the Anarchist, is not the exception today, but he is the rule.

In closing, may we remember the most important lesson taught by Jesus Christ concerning how we judge others. May it serve as a guide to our future thoughts and future words. –Al Colombo

  1. Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you—
  2. Because God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others.
  3. Why, then, do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, and pay no attention to the log in your own eye?
  4. How dare you say to your brother, ‘Please, let me take that speck out of your eye,’ when you have a log in your own eye?
  5. You impostor! Take the log out of your own eye first, and then you will be able to see and take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
  6. "Do not give what is holy to dogs—they will only turn and attack you; do not throw your pearls in front of pigs—they will only trample them underfoot."

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Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

Allan B. Colombo

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22 March 2002


If Wal-Mart is such an all-American institution, then
why has the Patriot garment manufacturing plant closed?


By The Friday The Thirtheenth Anarchist

Recently, while talking to a home center store owner, he expressed dismay at how bad business is. I made the comment in passing that what else could we possibly expect with treaties like NAFTA in effect that allow business to reposition their factories in third-world countries. He commented that we don't have the right to deny third-worlders a living. I replied, "yes, that is true, but we don't have to do it at the expense of our own children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, do we?" He thought for a moment and he said, "you have a point."
Al Colombo, publisher

If you ever travel along Pennsylvania Rt.66 in rural Washington Township, Westmoreland County, you might take notice of a little manufacturing plant that closed their doors about a year ago. Along with its closing went 75 good-paying garment manufacturing jobs.

Go ahead and stop, look through the fogged-up windows. You will see the ghostly sewing machines and worktables just waiting for another shift to arrive, a shift that will never start.

Why did this plant close? It was because Wal-Mart worked them over real good until they went bust. You see, Wal-Mart has become so huge that it dictates prices they will pay for the items they buy from their vendors. In addition, it is Wal-Mart that determines when they will pay you.

Patriot Manufacturing, along with Riedbord Brothers Garment Manufacturing, another Pennsylvania Garment maker, went out of business because Wal-Mart kept insisting on lower prices. They demanded that American manufacturers produce a clothing item for what they could get it overseas .Of course, Patriot could not do this which caused the company to go bankrupt, after which they finally ceased production.

Now, of course, Wal-Mart wants everyone to think that they're an All-American company, but all that Red, White and Blue in the stores is nothing but false advertising. Just go ahead and pick up most any of the items you will find in Wal-Mart, those that you would think are American made, and you will sadly find labels that reflect every other country but the USA.

I was recently talking with a gentleman who owned a grocery store in a small shopping center in Pa. who lost his store when a Wal-Mart opened across the street. In fact, 35 businesses in the area went out of business in just six months once Wal-Mart opened up!

[Editor's Note: Why bother with warfare when you can defeat your enemy by eroding his economy? No economy, no industry-no industry, no weapons. -Al Colombo]

Business run out by the opening of a Wal-Mart storeMany news programs have shown how Wal-Mart's wreak communities and kill jobs. Sixty Minutes even went so far as to show a Wal-Mart Executive with a pathetic attitude when they showed him a film of exploited child labor in Southeast Asia were Wal-Mart buys many of the products that they sell. His reply was to the effect, "well bad things do happen."

Wal-Mart has been accused of causing run off pollution problems when they failed to build according to a site plan in a Pa. Community as well. Recently news stories have been coming out how Wal-Mart has even run small company's, run by the disabled, out of business with their aggressive pricing tactics. Tell them they will buy at one price than come back three months later and demand the price be dropped.

Well I have a statement for Wal-Mart I will never, ever conduct business with your company. I will never buy from your company. Plus you can pick up and get the hell out of Pa., W.Va., and Ohio You are not helping America, you are just slowly globalising it.

You have brain washed Americans into thinking they're getting the lowest prices when, in fact, your store prices are often many times higher than nearby K-mart and Target stores. Yes everyone likes low prices, and a bargain is a bargain, but at what a Price that we will pay down the road. At such a price we are paying even now.

Soon there will be no more garment industry in this country and many, small plastic makers will find it necessary to close their doors, all because of their local Wal-Mart. If you think that you're getting such a bargain when you go to a Wal-mart, just think about the many American jobs that you just sent to Southeast Asia and other third-world countries.

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

Allan B. Colombo

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Thompson Promotions

29 March 2002

A Fat, Lazy, and Arrogant Crowd?

(No wonder other nations hate us.)


By The Friday the 13th Anarchist

September 11th 2001 was awake up call to America. Unfortunately very few Americans have taken heed. We have become a nation of fat, overweight people. We have not even dug the last victim's body from the World Trade Center and yet so many have returned to their old ways.

Militia To Train Civilians (this will open up a new window in your browser)Americans generally do not want to work hard and the statistics bare this out by the fact that the construction trades are severely hampered, unable to find enough good people to fill available positions. There is a 35% and higher shortage of skilled tradesman with no end in sight!

What is it? These jobs too far beneath everyone's dignity? Every body wants to go to college so they can leave and make $100,000.00 dollars a year doing next to nothing for it. For all the college and technical school trained people we have in this country, positions for high-tech careers still go unfilled. Many of our remaining employers have to go overseas to India and other countries to fill these positions!

Independence vs. Slavery (This will open up a new window in your browser)American students' math and science scores for a developed nation are the lowest they have ever been. No wonder we have so many product liability suits in this country when manufacturers cannot find quality people to turn out good working products. I am also amazed at how many people in this country find themselves too stupid to find a decent job. Even more amazing is the fact that it is these same fat, stupid, and lazy people who cry and complain about how terrible their lives are.

When will we Americans wake up and realize that there are people waiting in line to kill us at the very first opportunity they get? Our gov't. keeps warning that attacks are certain to come, and instead of getting educated and learning what these threats are, and what we can do to protect ourselves, most of us sit and want our gov't. to tell them what, where, how, and when to do it.

Sorry, not the Anarchist. I have, and will always be ready to thwart any terrorist activities in my area. However, if you continue to sit there and do absolutely nothing to protect yourself and your family, then too bad for the fat and lazy American. Remember, you will always reap what you sow. If you want to remain unable to defend your castle, then don't call those of us with gutts and guns to do it for you.

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

Allan B. Colombo

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Thompson Promotions

7 March 2002

Another Screwed-Up Youth


By Friday The 13th Anarchist

deathThe Anarchist has little sympathy for the15-year-old young man who took off without permission in a small Cessna trainer and crashed into an office building in Tampa, Florida. Any American who would leave a sympathy note for Osama bin Laden, not to mention his support for the attacks that took place in New York City, in D.C., and in Pennsylvania, should do exactly as young Charles did. Somehow, as sad as it may seem, suicide seems to fit the profile here. However, for future reference, perhaps a Private suicide would be better so no one else is harmed.

pollHow can any American agree with the September 11th attacks? Well, it appears this 15-year-old did. Thank God that no one else was hurt, as young Charlie seemed to fit the classic pattern of the misguided young men who committed the Columbine massacre. He was a typical loner with no friends--Just another young man upset with the world because he did not fit in.

I hate to tell you Charlie, if you can hear me, but the Anarchist was and still is a loner too. But, the Anarchist never tried to kill himself or others that he may have hated when he was your own age.


iiiI knew that I was a one of a kind, a unique individual. No one can ever be me or do what I do. I could care less what people think of me--how I dress, speak, or what I may believe. But this is a lesson you and all the other sick little butt heads never learned.

Did you get picked on in school all the time like I did? Did the kids call you and your parent's horrible names and tease you? Well, too bad! That's life.

It's too bad that Charlie didn't learn to cope with all of this before he flew that Cessna into the side of a building. Perhaps he would have been around to enjoy this fourth of July, or Thanksgiving yet to come.

-Al Colombo

You must have been a real piece of work. Not one student went to see the grief counselors at school over you. Was life so bad and did you become so antisocial that you had to get revenge by slamming a plane into a building. Well, you got your 15 minutes of fame-but what a shame. No Charlie, no one gives a damn about what you did; and a couple of months from now, they won't even remember your name.

Charlie, allow me to tell you and every other young person out there who believes that they are a social outcast and feels that they have to prove something to the world:

iiiYou can dedicate your life to good or you can dedicate it to evil. You can be a socialite or a sociopath--a winner or a loser. That is the freedom that this country affords you. But take up arms like Johnny Walker, or show support for scum like Osama bin Laden, or you show support for terrorists and the 9-11 assault against this great country of ours, and let me be the first to invite you to a good old fashioned firing squad.

For those of you who believe that you have it so bad in the United States, I invite you to go and live in Communist China, or how about Sudan, Rhodesia, or some other country run by a Banana Republic Dictator. I guarantee that you will beg to come back home and that you will kiss the very ground you now curse.

Think about it before you end up cold and stiff six feet under!

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

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Thank you. --Al Colombo

Allan B. Colombo

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Thompson Promotions

5 March 2002

Today's Globalists Learned
From Yesterday's Robber Barons

Behold the Wasteland of America


By The Friday The 13th Anarchist

Deserted businesses litter America, (c)2002 Allan B. ColomboOne only needs to hear the names Henry Clay Frick and Andrew Carnegie to instantly know where the term, "Robber Baron," came from. Both Frick and Carnegie are infamous for there deeds in the late 1800's, specifically for how they raped and pillaged the land, now scared with pits and orange streams filled with acid, and exploited the immigrant labor in towns all over Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. Their greed is what helped build this nation up to utter greatness--all on the backs of poor, uneducated immigrants who were trapped in company towns all over the tri-state area.

Tennessee Ernie Ford made the famous song, Sixteen Tons:

You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Saint Peter doesn't come a calling,
cause I owe my soul to the Company Store.

In those days of the Iron and Coal Police, where a man was billed for the powder and tools he used to mine the coal, workers labored 12-hours a day, 7-days a week and got 50 cents for their trouble. If you talked wrong against the company, the Iron and Coal Police beat you bloody and threw your family and its meager possessions into the street.

Chemtrails Commentary for 03/05/02Those were the days when Frick and Carnegie paid just enough to their workers to keep them constantly struggling so that they would report to the mine shaft and mill gate. With no choice you could lose a days work or your family could starve. Signs at the gates read: Don't show up for work on Sunday, don't show up Monday, were prevalent as there was always someone ready to step in and take your place.

Hercules Engines sits in ruins in Canton, Ohio; (c)2002 Allan B. ColomboAll the while Mr. Frick and Mr. Carnegie lived in the lap of total and complete luxury. Homes with fifty-plus rooms, dozens of servants, the finest of food and clothing; worldwide travel, all while their workers toiled, got sick, and often died in those company towns.

As bad as all this seems you would think the world would never want to see those days again, but the Globalist's have a different view of things. They see the exploitation of labor in China, Tiawan, N. Korea, etc., were all the above conditions exist in this present day, as being normal.

The once busy Ponderosa sits idle on Atlantic Blvd. in Canton, Ohio; (c)2002 Allan B. ColomboEDITOR'S NOTE:
Without a doubt, such acts of human subjugation are in the Globalist's financial best interest. Yet on we march, further empowering these unethical, amoral people to further subjugate the masses by buying all we buy according to price only. By our silence and our disloyalty to our fellow countrymen we further encourage government to promote off-shore manufacturing, by virtue of foregone responsible trade barriers-to offset low wages abroad, which will always end with the demise of even more American factories and industrial jobs.
Allan B. Colombo, publisher


An acquaintance of the Anarchist's who does business in China elaborated on how he can get Nike-type knock-off tennis shoes for 0.25 cents each. He went on to say how, if they pay the workers a few cents more that the 0.15 cents an hour they make, they save it up and live off of it instead of coming back to work. Every day that is why they keep them poor. Chinese are naturally lazy he assures me.

Paper in the windows of boarded up businesses is a common site in strip malls across America; (c)2002 Allan B. ColomboThe anarchist, in the 1980's, sat in a business luncheon full of the biggest execs of a major city. I heard one of them speak of his travels in China and how they planned to exploit its cheap labor. The same exploitation goes on in Iraq, Afghanistan, India, and other third-world countries, which is why the United States is seen as the great Satan. These laborers cannot pay for the very goods they make. Not only that, but they see these goods being exported overseas to a rich America.

There has always been this "rich man--poor man" attitude in the world and in America. Class warfare, as it is known. The Anarchist grew up in a Mill town and has educated himself, but many stayed and now they are trapped. Many feel they are not smart enough to do anything else and that they cannot learn. They are condemned to be cleaning people, factory workers, etc.

A once proud building in the heart of Canton, Ohio, now sits empty and cluttered as locals have stolen cement blocks from walls that once surrounded it. (c)2002 Allan B. ColomboOf course, this is not true. But the modern-day Robber Barons insist they must believe this. When the Anarchist spoke out, the rest of the people all cowered like sheep, "They will get you," they say to themselves--this boogie man in their minds insists. Because this boogie man exists, the globalists like it because they like uneducated people. They want to direct whom works were, who gets educated--who does not; who succeeds, and who fails; and if you do speak out, they will get you.

Yes, there will always be those who can only go so far in life, but this fact does not give anyone the right to exploit them. A worker should be treated as an equal, not a dog. They should not be looked down upon because they are a cleaning person, but in the globalist's mind, there is always someone to be looked up to and someone to be looked down on. Although many of them talk of "equal rights," while inciting and organizing minorities, together which becomes a majority force, they truly practice the opposite.

What was once a booming auto service station in Canton, Ohio, now sits in ruin as it has changed hands time after time. (c)2002 Allan B. ColomboGlobalists want a dumbed-down, uneducated citizenry that never questions. You only need look at Enron to see this concept being played out. A few at the top stole and exploited the workers while the workers were left to stumble and fall-losing their retirement funds in the process. Employees were encouraged to put all there funds into the companies stock when any person that has any common sense knows you do not put all your eggs in one basket.

These employees were lied to. They were told that the company was in great shape all the while it was bleeding red ink. But the Anarchist is here to tell you that there is no Boogie Man, that you are each a unique individual. You can go as far or as short of a goal as you want to. You can be a cleaning person or a CEO-it all depends on what you want and what you believe.

Get educated and prevent the Globalists from turning this entire country into a land of fully dependent, subjugated sheeple. Or, if you like your life the way it is, do nothing and sooner or later the Globalists will own not only you, but also your children, grandchildren, and subsequent generations to come.

As local government searches for new, inventive ways in which to attain more operating capital, America continues to lose valuable industry. Listen folks, this is the very reason why local government is broke! The solution is not to squeeze the public for more money. The answer is to BRING BACK BUSINESS. Put an end to this Global Economy (New Economy) mentality and bring American industry back home!

Allow me to let you in on a little secret. Recently a retired military officer confided to this author that the reason why we must work in conjunction with other nations now relates more to our lack of self-sufficiency than to any other cause. In other words, Uncle Sam knows that we no longer have the industrial might to pull off a world conflict all by ourselves. Thank the Lord we were not sitting in the middle of an interdependent Global Economy back when Adolph Hister (Hitler) marched across Europe!

BRING INDUSTRY HOME!!! There is no other solution! The question is, is it too late to do so?

Al Colombo, publisher

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The Summer's Drive-By, Drug-Related
Shootings And The Error of Apologists


It was a few hours before dark on Aug. 21 when a man he had never met passed by in a car and shot Raymond [Bozak], 13, with an air rifle. Instead of leaving a welt, the BB broke the skin and penetrated muscle, two layers of membrane and one lung, nicking a blood vessel.
(Sadly, Raymond died.)
Random Shootings Shake Neighborhoods
Mark Rollenhagen
Olivera Perkins
Cleveland Plain Dealer
September 02, 2001

Yes once again we are into the Dog Days of Summer and once again many big inner cities are once again seeing a rash of drug-related, drive-by shootings and out-right killings by those who ply their illegal trade. Most of these killings are for-revenge murders because of nonsensical reasons like "someone sold on someone else's turf" or "someone ripped someone off."

The Daily Commentary; 5/25/01So, why do these killings go on? Allow me to answer that question. Because no one has the [gumption] to stop the individuals who are doing it. After every shooting, Police can find no witnesses, even though it happened in broad daylight!

When you hear all the reasons why these young white and black men, growing up in poor areas, get involved in drugs, it is usually because they are growing up in poor areas and have no chance at succeeding. They see all the money, cars, clothes, and jewelry that these drug dealers have and it gives them all the incentive they need to deal drugs. Any reasonable person knows that this is pure BULL!

The Daily Commentary; 5/18/01Every day young men and women come out of ghettos and other deprived areas and they succeed. What makes these individuals different than their loser counterparts? Please allow me to answer that question: those who succeed want to. It's that simple.

No one forces these losers to sell or use drugs. In most cases, they were taught right from wrong by their parents, who made sure that they did not hang around the wrong people. Most of these parents are some of the most honest and hard working citizens you will ever meet. They should be congratulated for turning out as well as they have. And then along come their loser children. Just like my self and siblings did.

The Daily Commentary; 5/14/01One of the biggest problems for the drug violence in poor areas is because, unlike the suburbs were kids hide their drug transactions, these kids do them in broad daylight, in the open street. And oftentimes the customers are young affluent white kids coming in from the suburbs to buy their drugs.

In my line of work, I often find myself in run down, declining ghetto neighborhoods. You can see those who care about their neighborhood and those who are trash. These pigs should be incarcerated, or even better yet, exiled or shot.

When I witness a crime in these neighborhoods, I report it to the Police and I show up at the hearings to make sure that justice is served. Once, I was threatened because I was going to testify at a criminal trail. I immediately notified the Police, after making it perfectly clear to the ones intimidating me that their lives were in jeopardy should they continue. Once, when attending a hearing, I saw a defendant trying to scare a young woman with his tough-guy stare. I immediately notified the judge as to the situation and the individual not only was convicted, but he was given additional jail time for witness intimidation.

Quick CommentIf you show no fear to those who are lawless, you will find out that they can be stopped. Especially when they are convinced that they're dealing with someone just as crazy and unpredictable than themselves.

I have proudly helped law enforcement to put more than 100 individuals behind bars. I do this because I care. In each case I went to court and truthfully testified because I will not put up with drug dealing in my community. You shouldn't either! Get yourself armed with courage, self defense tactics, and put a solid plan together with Police. Then put it into action. Please help your local police department clean up your neighborhood by putting these drug dealers out of business. Together, we can make our America a much better, secure place to live.

The Anarchist

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Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

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Thank you. --Al Colombo

Allan B. Colombo

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01 September 2001

Two Foolish Men Who Cost
The Lives Of Two Heros

By The Friday The 13th Anarchist

It has happened once again. Two irresponsible young fools decide to go on an adventure trip and one of them lost their life. In so doing, it sadly cost two 25-year-old heroes their own lives as well.

It happened on a sunny Sunday in Mc Connells Mill State Park, Butler County, Pennsylvania. The stupid, non-experienced, non-caring, and thoughtless kayaker's decided to take a run for it on the rain swollen, slippery rock creek that runs through one of the most beautiful but deadly gorges in the state. The gorge is, in fact, steep and dangerous and many a hiker has paid for a simple misstep with their life.

Quick CommentExperienced kayakers would not even attempt to run this creek when it is running this high, but with all the tragedies and all the warning signs that clearly state the dangers in this Park, the two fools took off anyway. You see, rules meant nothing to these two, plus experience--who needs it? After all, if something goes wrong, the Park Rangers and Fire Department will come to their rescue.

This is exactly what happened. One of the kayakers lost control, capsized, and ran under tree debris. Two local fire departments soon arrived and began the steep and difficult descent into the gorge. Two experienced rescue divers from Unionville Fire Department--both brand new fathers, an Assistant Chief, soon to be certified as a master diver, and a Fireman EMT, both long-time friends, put on wet suits, helmets, and life vests. They tied on their safety ropes and, like so many times before, put their lives on the line and proceeded to the kayak which had tipped over.

Quick CommentThey had hoped that they were in time to find and rescue the foolish kayaker, but something went seriously wrong. The divers' lifeline snapped and they were swept down stream were they drowned. Their brother fire fighters, their families, and their communities were, of course, in a state of shock. These were the first line-of-duty deaths in the Department.

The one fool survived and now will live with the knowledge that he and his friend, whom he hardly knew, needlessly cost two good men their lives, if he even cares that is.

The Friday the 13th Anarchist is tired of these irresponsible fools causing pain and suffering and untold cost to the citizenry, all because they want to get their so-called high using extreme sports. It happens not only in State parks but in national parks as well. It is high time that when fools like this pull such a stunt and a rescuer is hurt or killed that the fool who caused it pays criminally and civilly.

In this latest case the surviving kayaker should be charged with two counts, felony manslaughter, and he should serve a long prison sentence. Until people are held to a higher standard and bad behavior is punished, not tolerated, will those who believe they are above the law begin to think differently.

Quick Comment

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

11 August 2001

Take Aim At A Cop --
Deserve To Die


By The Friday 13th Anarchist

On Global WarmingDuring the last G8 summit in Genoa Italy a young 20-something rebel without a cause--whom called himself an Anarchist--took aim at a police vehicle with a large, red fire extinguisher throwing it through the vehicle's window. By instinct, a policeman returned fire, killing the young man with a shot to the head. To this Anarchist, it was a justified shooting.

True Anarchists do not use acts of violence to get their thoughts and actions across. They don't because they know it defeats their cause. Instead, they believe in peaceful protest, court action, and the power of the pen. And now, we have the Internet, which is mightier than any sword. A true Anarchist believes in educating the sheep in how to fight for their rights.

On Global Warming, part 2Real Anarchists do not go out into the streets clad in black and throw rocks, bottles, and firebombs at police officers. They are more like troublemakers, breaking into stores and catching cars on fire. Instead, they are low-life rioters and criminals simply out to cause mischief.

This violent breed of so-called Anarchists are not the freedom fighters in South Africa who fought for an end to Apartheid. Nor do they have any intention of changing anything to good purposes. They have no agenda, other than to cause problems. So, when the popular press calls them Anarchists, they are mistaken. The word "Anarchist" is a good word that many people confuse and misuse. Anarchists are for change, yes; but not by means of riot, brute force, and improper criminal conduct.

On Global Warming

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28 July 2001

Who's Controlling
Our Children's Minds?


There seems to be an ever increasing bizarre behavior from today's children. Take the recent case of the two 10- and 13-year-old girls who set up an elaborate Bank Robbery Plan and got caught. Yes, I said bank robbery.

The plan was to throw police of the trail, so these two girls wore two layers of clothing so they could shed one of them after they made their escape. They also entered the bank with socks over their hands so they wouldn't leave fingerprints. In addition, they wrapped towels around their heads and concocted a plan whereby, if caught, they would say that a man had kidnapped them and forced them to rob the bank, which was false.

And what were these two young girls going to do with the $2000.00 they demanded in the note they gave the teller? They were going to buy themselves new outfits and purses, etceteras, in a shopping center across the street from the bank.

These two young girls did not come from homes where they were abused; and they were not what some would call white trash. Instead, they came from middle-income families where both girls were considered the perfect children. Their behavior and grades were considered good and they attended excellent schools, as well as church.

So I have only one question: "Who, or what, caused these two girls to come up with such a bizarre plan?"

busterThe girls said that they had gotten some of the ideas they used from watching television. Big Deal! When I was a kid, Hawaii 5-O was the big cop show on TV and what I saw and learned by it did not make me want to go out and copy it. Of course, I knew there were serious consequences if I did.

Or, how about the 14- and 15-year-old boys who joined their communities Junior Fire Fighting Program who were arrested for setting a fire that killed an elderly woman? They knew very well that she was still in the home when they did it. Again, both boys were never in trouble before and they had led normal home lives, at least up until then. Both of them also had relatives and family members in the department, and to make matters even worse, one of the boy's dad is an Assistant Chief.

Again, what possessed these children?

They recently showed in a TV investigative report a test were normal children were given classes in firearms safety and what to do if they encountered a gun. Several days later these same children, when put to the test, picked up the gun and, in some cases, tried to take the gun they found while cleaning out a school storage room--all but one, whom immediately notified school authorities.Editor's Note

When they were questioned as to why, after being warned on the dangers of guns, they did not do the right thing, many of them had no answer to give. Some said it was like they blacked out and were unable to control their actions. So might one conclude that some unknown agency is at work in such cases, controlling our children's minds? It certainly makes one wonder.

The question is, what is it that causes a "normal" child to react so violently with absolutely no reason behind it? Is it Television? Could it be that too many bad guys end up winning where, in the old days, the bad guys always lost? Perhaps Hollywood glorifies the bad guys with the guns far too much.

Could it be those violent video games; how about the violent rap and rock records that our kids are playing. Let's face it, groups like KISS, Def Leopard, and Led Zeppelin were around in my day and I turned out just fine. Perhaps it is the Internet, although this is not likely, for if I wanted to know how to do something wrong, all I had to do is go to the library. The Internet just makes this information faster to find.

Could it be the illegal drugs that many kid's parents experimented with in the 60's and 70's? But even some people that I personally know, who have always been straight and law abiding, have had children that turned into monsters.

Quick CommentSome say it is all the excesses and pressure on the kids today. Give me a break. Or how about all the pollutants and chemicals in the air and water? Maybe, but why then is everyone else not affected in the same way? Why only certain types of kids, and why at this time and not in years past? One thing is for sure, what is happening to these kids is somehow very different than in times past. It almost seems like Jeckle and Hyde with an On/Off Switch.

So who, or what, is behind it and how exactly are they doing it? If it is mind control, are they using drugs, radio beams, or subliminal messages? Why does it not affect all children and adults in the same way?

It is now a well known fact that lead poisoning can produce psychopathic children, especially from the inner city where there is ample old paint to go round. But I grew up in an old house with lead paint-I even helping my father rip out the old lead paint-covered walls and I seem to be functioning fine. But many of the children who grew up in relatively new homes down the street from where I grew up are now in jail. Many of them are also drug addicts or dead from suicide.

I think I have some answers, although I'm sure that it's not what many people would rather hear. Why did my siblings and I turn out OK while others did not? And why are so many children still turning out all right while an increasing number are not?

1- I had a mother and father who loved us and taught us the values of wrong from right. They taught us to respect ourselves as well as others. They were there when we needed them--and my parents stayed married

2- I had a religious upbringing that reinforced the lessons and philosophies that our parents instilled within us.

3- I also had loving and caring grand parents who were always there for us.

4- I was taught from the very beginning to treat others just as I would like to be treated.

5- I was taught that there were severe consequences for doing wrong things and that when one does good things there is always a reward, if not in this life, certainly in the next.

When you take a close look at many of the recent cases where children have gone astray, it is obvious that something went terribly wrong. Much of it seems to point to parenting skills, or the lack thereof. Those of us in the community who do not lead by good example, that show disrespect by our bad actions, need to understand that children are watching-even those who do not belong to us.

There are many who do not like me because I believe fully in the above five principles. I realize sometimes both parents are not there because of circumstances, but I know of single parents, and those where the grandparents died early, and they came through it OK. Most of the time it appears that this is true because they followed the above principles the best that they could.

In closing, I dare you to prove me wrong on the five principles as presented above. I would also like to hear your ideas on why today's children are having so many problems.The Anarchist

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

10 July 2001

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
When It Comes To The Turner Diaries


By Friday 13th Anarchist

Created by Nova Jane Colombo;
Photo by Howard M. Colombo; 
(c)Allan B. ColomboBack in the sleepy hills of W. Hillsboro W.Va. down a long winding road you will come to a compound run by Dr. William L. Pierce, known as the National Alliance, at on the Internet. This White Supremacy organization that Dr. Pierce runs produces monthly hate speeches that spills out over the full breadth of the Net. National Alliance also produces records of hate under the label Resistance Records with groups like Arian Son's that generate violent and hateful songs and lyrics, such as Die Jew Die, I hate you Jew, I spit on you Jew.

Quick Comment, Dr. Pierce vs. NAACPThis quiet little group that Dr. Pierce has put together has become one of the most dangerous hate groups in America, all due to a novel written by Dr. Pierce, know as "The Turner Diary's." This book essentially describes America in the middle of a Race riot.

Incidently, Timothy McVeigh was known to be a major fan of the Turner Diary's. In this book, for example, the players blow up the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) headquarters in D.C. using an ammonium nitrate bomb (hint). This is obviously where McVeigh came up with the idea for the Oklahoma City bombing. Also, the racists who dragged James Byrd behind a pickup truck, decapitating him, also committed several other high-profile, racially-motivated attacks. They, too, were fans of the Turner Diary's, all of which Dr.Pierce says are just words in a book.

This is were the 1st amendment of our free speech is pushed to the limit. But, thank God for the 1st Amendment, otherwise web sites like www.GiantKillers.Org would not exist. Yes, we are free to voice all the hate in the world, but we are also given the freedom to express all the love that exists within our hearts. So, please let it be love and not hate. Do let there be random acts of kindness and senseless beauty--not hate. We can all start by denouncing people like Dr. Pierce and exposing organizations, like the National Alliance, for the bigots and haters that they are.

QUICK COMMENT: A Diverse Society

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

The Daily Commentary
28 April 2001




By The Friday 13th Anarchist

Well let me see, it's May and the first signs of spring have cropped up. The first Robin, the first Flower, and, of course, the first round of higher gas prices.

Oil Refinery, Baton Rouge, LouisianaYou know the old capitalist story of supply and demand. With the warm weather every one gets in their car and they go vacationing, picnicking, etc. This causes higher demand for the product. Oil company's claim that they cannot keep up with the demand, which is probably true, and we have the Commie Liberal environmentalists to thank for that.

Everyone wonders why the high gas prices. Well, the Commie environmentalists have not allowed even one new refinery to be built in 50 years in this country. They also stopped electric producers from using coal, which is cheap and plentiful and it can be made to burn cleanly. Instead, in many cases, they have forced energy producers to switch to more expensive oil.

Photo by Allan B. Colombo (c)1991; Perry Nuclear Power Plant in OhioRadical environmentalists have made it so no new nuclear powered electric producing plants can be built. Plus, they put pollution controls on vehicles that do not work and, in fact, waste all the more fuel. In addition, we now use alternate Freon products that do not cool as well and they suck up even more electricity, not to mention that they are actually more dangerous to the environment then the products that they replace..

Photo by Allan B. Colombo, (c)1991; Inside Perry Nuclear Power PlantEnvironmental Extremists have also failed to allow badly needed expressways to be built to alleviate traffic congestion which, in turn, sucks up more fuel. In addition, these Commie environmentalists require special environmental "fuel blending" so the fuel intended for one area of the country can not be shipped and used in another, thereby causing higher prices.

Photo by Allan B. Colombo, (c)2000To make matters worse, our so-called Middle Eastern friends, OPEC, have jacked up the price of oil, which is why I say that it's time to take action against those who would ruin this country. Every time environmentalist say they are only trying to help the planet and mankind, they only hurt it with stupid junk-science rules and a feel-good mentality.

Should there be conservation? ABSOLUTELY! But we need to apply common sense and hard science, not junk science.

Believe it or not, but the environmental movement is nothing more than communism in action. It's merely a way to gain uncommon control over society, allowing a select group of people to subjugate the masses. To these commies, it really does not matter how it's done, just that it's done.

Look at the recent spat about arsenic in water that in many cases, like in Pennsylvania and W. Virginia, is naturally occurring in the ground, just as radiation is. Should we filter it? Yes, but what is the correct achievable safe number? Is it 100 parts? Is it 10 parts? Without all the facts, how can a Commie environmentalist just pick a number out of the sky and say "this is it?" By skewing the numbers and using scare tactics, these radical environmental extremists are able to gain unfair advantage and an uncommon amount of control over our lives in ways that we have never imagined before.

Photo by Allan B. Colombo, (c)2001
So, what is their true agenda here?

How about dismantling the West one plank at a time? What better way is there to do this but by imposing unreasonable sanctions and using junk science in every conceivable aspect of life? Using "safety" and "environmental" issues, combined with deliberate, well-thought-out scare tactics, they are turning our society upside down. What they are essentially doing is using our own democracy and capitalism against us. Just look around you.

For example, they are deliberately screwing up our economy by implimenting rules that make it difficult to impossible to do business. In the left coast State of California, they are in the middle of an electrical power crisis. Yet, It took 8 months of extra environmental paper work to get 1 new power plant approved! All the while, California school students sit in the dark.

And pray tell, why do Californians have all of these problems? It is because of Commie-leaning, liberal politicians that have deregulated utilities in an upside down and improper way. The utility company's can be charged the going rate for power but can not pass the costs on to their customers. What kind of business dealing is that?

I'll tell you what kind of business dealings that this represents. First, it is sure to cause the bankruptcy of certain utilities, which is going on as we now speak. Only a Commie liberal would pull a stunt like this. What kind of person would put 575,000 coal and steelworkers out of a job as well as 135,000 loggers and lumbermen, plus all the other little people and businesses that have been hurt because of these industries going down?

What kind of person would write laws that restrict business to the point they close up and ship the work over seas were there is little environmental concern (and much lower labor costs)? Where is the concern for human lives?

Those who follow these environmental groups and believe everything they say are communist sympathizers, no matter what they believe they are doing to help the planet. Be a conservationist? Push for laws that make good environmental sense? Yes, of course. But, be a radical, extremist environmentalist, take jobs and cause human suffering, exploit the system? NO!!

Editor's Note: Personally, I believe the problem in California is one of deliberate sabotage because common sense dictates that you cannot regulate the Utilities' ability to charge users, preventing them from doing so, while giving energy producers--whom provides Utilities with their power--a totally blank check with which to charge whatever they choose!

The result is exactly what we see nowl: unbridled energy costs for Utilities and no avenue of recourse for the Utilities.

Is the answer to allow Utilities to charge their customers more money, as they now have done? NO!!

The answer is REGULATE ENERGY PRODUCERS and UTILITIES, just as we have in the past!! It worked then, it will work now. Will common sense prevail or will our power utilities become the property of the state? We shall see.

Please see: CALIFORNIA
The Proletariat Seizes Public Power?

--Al Colombo

Other Commentaries on this and other related issues that pertain to the dismantling of Western Society, one plank at a time: (Note: Clicking on one of these links will open up a new window in your browser. Close it out to return to this page. Thank you.)
  • Global Warming?
    Forty Six Independent Scientists Say No!!
    For Racial Diversity (Minorities') Sake
  • Reader Says Society's Children
    Have Become Desensitized
  • Accuracy in Reporting
    The Life-Blood of Freedom
  • Key Largo
    The Proletariat Seizes Public Power?
  • Conservatism & Environmental Concerns
  • President Bill Clinton Advocates
    End of Farming in U.S.
  • Class-Action:
    Reparations For Blacks
  • Is It A Real, Live Baby,
    Or Is It Merely A Fetus?
  • Does It Really Take A Village?
  • Why Do Gas Prices Continue To Rise?
  • So What's Ahead?
  • Is It Greed, Lack Of Foresight, or Both?
  • What a Circle, What a Racket!
  • Prior Knowledge of the AT&T Breakup
  • Could It Be Covert Carbon Taxation?
  • Global Warming, Real or Contrived?
  • Global Warming? Forty Six Independent Scientists Say No!!
  • Forty Six Independent Scientists Say No!! Here They Are!
  • image

    Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Direct inquiries regarding it's content to the author. Thank you.

    Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

    If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, send it with the words FOR COMMENTARY in the subject line. Click HERE.

    Thank you. --Al Colombo

    Interseting Encounter at kecksburg UFO Festival with Young Man

     I was a speaker at this years Kecksburg Pa. UFO Festival  speaking on how EMI and RFI interact and can create Paranormal Activity. When a y...