Monday, September 19, 2022

Good Riddens

Daily Commentary

January 4, 2001

The Clinton Era
Good Riddance!

In a couple of weeks the Clinton era with be over and I say GOOD RIDDANCE! We have endured eight years of controversy, scandals and ruin. I call the Clinton Administration the Smoke and Mirror Administration.

By this, I mean there has been few accomplishments but people keep saying that President Clinton has done so much but if you press them they cannot name anything significant.

Oh, they do come up with the "wonderful economy" but we all know that he really had nothing to do with the economy, although, he does take credit for it. I can think of nothing "good" that he has done. However, I will name a few of the "bad" things he has done:

  1. Dismantled the military to record levels while deploying the troops more than any other President during peacetime.
  2. Degraded the White House and took politics to a new height (or low).
  3. More scandals than any other administration.
  4. Been impeached.
  5. Gave more power to the United Nations and gave more of the U.S. to Globalis.
  6. Taught everyone that the "ends justifies the means."
  7. Divided the country by class, sex, religion, race, politics, etc. and did it in the name of "bringing the country together."
  8. Increased taxes to record levels.
  9. Elevated his wife to such a position that she will now be a Senator which carries on the socialistic policies of her husband.

If I could send a letter to Mr. Clinton it would say something like:

Mr. Clinton, my advice to you is to retire to your state of Arkansas and become a statesman like the other former Presidents. Please do not try to put roadblocks or undermine the new administration. You had your turn and you wasted eight years. Mr. Clinton, you accomplished nothing and your legacy will reflect that.


Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in today's commentary are that of the author and not necessarily that of Al Colombo or others who appear in this publication. Direct inquiries regarding it's content to the author. Thank you.

Editor's Note: Permission is granted to reproduce this or any of the other articles and commentaries that appear on this web site, providing they appear in their entirety with the author's name, e-mail address, and www.GiantKillers.Org included.

If you have a comment and would like it to appear in The Daily Commentary, send it with the words FOR COMMENTARY in the subject line. Click HERE.

Thank you. --Al Colombo

Allan B. Colombo

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