Sunday, February 26, 2023

Opinion China -- Friend, Foe, and the Clinton Administration

China -- Friend, Foe, and
the Clinton Administration

By T.K. Trix

The current administration has made blunders, errors, and self-serving policies regarding the U.S. military and relations with China. China is a socialistic society that will use all means at its disposal to become, not only a world power, but also the most powerful nation on earth. The Chinese government is ruthless, devious and patient in its efforts to acquire our secrets and technology, as those who rule this country work to poise itself for total domination of the planet.

Unfortunately for the United States, this President not only has done nothing to stop this move toward world domination, but he and his administration have actually assisted China in their supreme goal. For example, in the last few years China has developed (or acquired) the technology to develop the neutron bomb, multiple warheads, more efficient boosters with longer ranges and a highly sophisticated targeting system capable of striking the United States. Most of this technology was stolen outright from our laboratories or sold by American companies for sake of profit. Unbeknownst to the brunt of the American people, we in the United States are no longer safe because our military is stronger than our adversaries. Nor are we safe because of our remote positioning in relation to hostile countries.

China is demonstrating it’s intentions and plans for world domination by the current events regarding democratic Taiwan. Taiwan is a sovereign nation that has been independent since World War II. Now that independence is being challenged by mainland China. China is flying warplanes daily near the airspace of Taiwan, pointing missiles at Taiwan, and testing the world’s resolve to stop the yet-to-come domination of Taiwan by force. President Clinton has largely sent signals to Beijing that a conflict between China and Taiwan would not result in an adverse reaction from the United States and he has refused to side with Taiwan.

The situation between China and democratic Taiwan will only grow more tense over time until China finally invades this tiny island. It appears that our only response will be to condemn China's actions; but, as time goes by, the United States will accept it because China is a world power. An example, on a smaller scale, was the Tiannamen Square incident where numerous deaths of student demonstrators took place.

There are other hotspots where China will, in time, use military force to have their way, such as the Spratley Islands and Hong Kong. True, Hong Kong is now a territory of China, but the free trade and status quo that Hong Kong has long enjoyed, and which was agreed to by the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, will become null and void. The people of Hong Kong were promised that their situation would not change, but China will surely invade and absorb Hong Kong into the People’s Republic of China and their lives will forever be changed. In the Spratley Islands, several countries have laid claim to real estate, which is purported to be rich in oil reserves. Rather than coming to an agreement, China will almost certainly use force to destroy all countries in her wake. Thus begins China’s domination.

Will China be happy with Taiwan, the Spratley Islands and Hong Kong? The answer is an unequivocal "No!" If this were true, why would China be working toward a foothold at both ends of the Panama Canal? The answer simply is twofold. First, by controlling or destroying the Panama Canal, the United States would be forced to have her ships go around the continent, thereby adding weeks to the transit. Secondly, China has gained a foothold in Central America in the most strategic location imaginable. This small isthmus, just by passage through the Panama Canal, allows the Chinese to be in the vicinity of either the east or west coast in a relatively short period of time. By doing nothing to impede this event, the Clinton Administration has allowed the Chinese to obtain control of the Panama Canal. This is outrageous!

This Is Anythig But
A Peaceful World

We, Americans are foolish and ignorant of just how dangerous the world is today. At no time in our history have we been so oblivious of the world situation. As long as the economy is doing well (or as long as we're told it is), we will remain fat, dumb, and happy.

The American people depend on the federal government for safety and we expect them to do the right things to assure that we remain such. Unfortunately, those who make and affect the laws of this land are so caught up in politics that we are being carried ever closer to the biggest disaster of modern times. The Clinton administration has proven time and time again that its foreign policy is faulty or nonexistent. All policy decisions are made in the name of "improving trade" and to "avoid confrontation."

We are told that our military is the best in the world, but the average American does not realize that the military has shrunk to levels not seen since 1938. The number of ship’s the Navy has is less than half of that during the Vietnam War era. In fact, the number of personnel in the U.S. Navy is approximately that of 1941, before the buildup of World War II. Not only has the number of military personnel shrunk to dangerous levels, but the services are not reaching their quotas.

To make matters worse, this country’s military, which is less than half of that during the Vietnam Conflict, cannot reach it’s recruiting goals. Adding to the situation, the United States has become an isolationist nation, militarily. Since the Vietnam Conflict, the United States has closed numerous bases throughout CONUS (Continental United States), especially overseas where our presence is critical. For example, the United States has closed Clark Air Force Base, Subic Naval Base, Cubi Point Naval Air Station, San Miguel Communication States and other smaller bases in the Philippines. We have closed bases in Thailand, Taiwan and have severely cut back in Okinawa, Japan and Vietnam.

These bases were in the vicinity of China and would have been a deterrent to Chinese aggression. In fact, the Philippines is one of the nations that lay claim to the Spratleys and an attack on the Philippines would have been an attack on the United States. If the United States would have maintained her bases in Taiwan then, again, an attack on Taiwan would have been an attack on the United States. These are examples of our government’s shortsightedness.

This brings us to the shores of the United States of America. Long Beach was a sprawling U.S. Naval Station that now is in the process of being leased to COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company), a government controlled Chinese shipping company. This allows the Chinese government to have access to our shores, again, in the name of profit/money.

This administration will do nothing to offend the Chinese. An example, was the numerous beggings of forgiveness by the Clinton administration for the accidental bombing of the Chinese Embassy during the Kosovo fiasco. The amount of weapons, personnel, munitions and other improper material coming into Long Beach could be disastrous.


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