Monday, July 17, 2023

Numbering System & Sons of God The Outerspace Connection to Human Kind

Numbering System & Sons of God
The Outerspace Connection
to Human Kind
1/13/05 Thursday

The numbering of people

In society this day, it is not uncommon for government to
desire the knowledge of whom its citizens and visitors are.
Although at first glance this makes perfect sense, it is only
after manipulating the minds and underlying thoughts of
society that we have come to fully accept this. Our social
security system is based on the numbering of people and was
accomplished by government promising to take care of each
citizen in their later years.

The question is, "is this a good thing?"  Also, "What does
God say about this in His Holy Word, the Old Testament

Read I Chronnicles 21:1-14

By this passage in God's Holy Word, we should understand that
it is not good to number people, that God does not approve of
it and that He will punish those responsible in a way not

An interesting side note concerning "the Giant," as discussed
in Chapter 20 of the same book. In verses 5 and 6 it
describes relationships of those killed in battle with King
David. In verse 6, it describes what these creatures looked
like--the desendents of the Giants.

"Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of
great stature, with twenty-four fingers and toes, six on each
hand and six on each foot; and he also was born to the

Six digits on each foot and hand equals 24.  Six!, not five.

Clearly, this was more than a simple genetic mutation as the
sixth digit was constant throughout all limbs, not just one.
When you consider Genesis Chapter 6, it should become clear
that Earth was visited by other races from time to time.
Perhaps this race of travelers were stranded here, or perhaps
those travelers, the "sons of God," found in verse 2, may
have actually altered the genetics of mankind, for if you
will read verse 4, it says, "There were giants in the land in
those dsys, and also aferwaard, when the sons of God came in
to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those
were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

The point appears to be that the resulting "men of renown"
were the result of the "sons of God" coming in to the
"daughters of men."  It says, "they bore children to them,"
meaning that the "daughters of men" had offspring borne of
the "sons of men."

With all of this in mind, and without further details, it is
quite possible that one of the attributes of these "mighty
men of renown" was the inclusion of a sixth digit on each
hand and foot--so to support the additional size and weight.

It would make sense, and there is no doubt that only
conscious thought and genetic engineering would have brought
this to be.  The question is, for some who disbelieve in a
Creator, how else can this come to pass but by conscious
manipulation of genetic material?

Perhaps we shall never know, certainly while on Earth, but
there will be a day when all will be revealed to us.  Those
of us who fail to believe in the Son of God will never know
the answer to life's true mysteries.  Those of us who do
believe and who continue to strive for a Christ-like life,
will one day know because God has promised this.

One thing is for sure, if perfection is a prerequisite for
salvation, we are all in trouble.  So, as the Bible tells
us, salvation from the second death is a gift and not a
right. Thank the Lord for that.

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Allan B. Colombo
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